Wed. Jan 8th, 2025
Biden 1988

Original article from: PolitiFact

President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign is digging up old footage of Joe Biden’s past misstatements to make a point about the presumptive Democratic nominee’s current accuracy.

On May 5, Brad Parscale, Trump’s 2020 campaign manager, published a video on Facebook that includes an old clip of Biden talking with voters about his academic record. It’s followed by several television news reports that refute the former United States senator’s claims.


  • The video of Biden is from 1987. Joe Biden acknowledged and apologized for the remarks a long time ago, saying:

“At a small campaign event in Claremont, N.H., I lost it. I shouldn’t have been there in the first place,” Biden wrote. “I didn’t feel any better afterward; what I’d said was a quick and stupid rant that I wished I’d never said. Worse than that, without realizing it I’d exaggerated my academic record.”

“Thank God, I thought as I left the event, there weren’t many people in the room to see my outburst.”

– Joe Biden
  • During the 2020 campaign season, Donald Trump will say or do anything he thinks will get him reelected. To be fair, the left will do the same thing. However, it says a lot when they have to back 33 years to find “damning footage” of something Biden said, which Biden openly apologized for.

By LeftViewpoint

I am politically left by U.S. standards, although I'd be considered moderate in most European Countries. I believe in universal healthcare, a UBI, equal opportunity to education, and expanded democracy. I think the free market works best for most industries. However, I am convinced that some industries, such as healthcare and education, do not respond to market forces and should be publically funded. Additionally, I believe industries that damage and destroy the environment should be regulated. My views are my own, and they do not necessarily represent what other people on the left believe. In that sense, LeftViewpoint is "a" left viewpoint, not "the" left viewpoint.

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