Wed. Oct 16th, 2024
Coronavirus vaccine

Original article from: Forbes

Top U.S. health officials on Wednesday poured cold water on President Trump’s optimistic timeline for a coronavirus vaccine, stating that while a vaccine may be in limited supply by the end of 2020, it will not be distributed widely enough for a return to normal life until well into 2021.

In nearly every one of his public appearances in recent weeks, Trump has said a vaccine will be available before election day and framed vaccine approval as tantamount to distribution, telling supporters during a North Carolina tele-rally earlier this month, “It’ll be delivered, the vaccine, before the end of the year and frankly, maybe even during the month of October.”


Unfortunately, public health issues have become politicized. Donald Trump is touting a vaccine because he thinks it will help him win reelection. In doing so, he is damaging the public opinion about the vaccine. If the public feels a vaccine announcement is prematurely announced for political gains, people will not take the vaccine in numbers sufficient to provide herd immunity.

Ideally, public safety issues would never be politicized. How will humanity survive if every serious problem diverges into two sides who refuse to budge? The Republicans are not alone in this. When Al Gore produced An Inconvenient Truth, the issue of climate change became much more politicized. It would have been more effective if Al Gore’s documentary included a conservative political figure as a co-narrator to take the political component away. Conservatives weren’t always so anti-science, and it’s dangerous for our future.

You can see how the right’s position on climate change has shifted over time in the following video.

By LeftViewpoint

I am politically left by U.S. standards, although I'd be considered moderate in most European Countries. I believe in universal healthcare, a UBI, equal opportunity to education, and expanded democracy. I think the free market works best for most industries. However, I am convinced that some industries, such as healthcare and education, do not respond to market forces and should be publically funded. Additionally, I believe industries that damage and destroy the environment should be regulated. My views are my own, and they do not necessarily represent what other people on the left believe. In that sense, LeftViewpoint is "a" left viewpoint, not "the" left viewpoint.

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